Database of crystal caravans

The database has not been resurrected when rpg-o-mania reopened in 2017. This page has just been left there as a remainder that there once was a database.

We created a unique database for you where you can enlist your FF:CC character. It's nothing too spectacular, so there are a few rules.

- it would be good if you could just list a character you have finished the game with. The database has no user management, so if some stats change, it will always come back to one of the admins. If you list a character here, it should be some kind of final one. Of course, if you want to, you can list a character that's still in the game as well.

- there's no option where you can enter YOUR name. This database is meant just as a list of characters, not of their players. Since it is all based on honesty, we also trust you if you say "xy is my character"

- please don't mess with the database. Just enter your stats and such. Don't make any jokes about it, it's just work of the admins to clean it up...

- if you would like to help administer the list, you're welcomed. Just contact the webmaster.